Jacalyn Shelley received three Pushcart Prize nominations for her poems Turn Circle Geometry, Three Gloves and Blue Aegean. Her work has also been anthologized in Borderline Love, The War Years, Welcome to the Resistance: Poetry as Protest, Earth Day2022 and Is It Hot in Here, Or Is It Just Me?
Jackie hosts the Leap Street Poets Workshop and reads at World Above, a monthly series presented by Peter Murphy Writing, Stockton University in Atlantic City, NJ. She also reads at other venues in Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia and as far away as Traverse City, Michigan.
Poet and haiku master Cole Eubanks describes Jackie’s forthcoming chapbook Keep/Discard as “. . . resonating like an estate planner, who with great fealty sorts through ghosts of family memories and possessions in haunting crystalline language. Honest. Honorific. Brilliant.”